A unique blend of herbs which supply important antioxidants and nutrients to help prevent or slow the progression of most common vision disorder. These herbs help support total eye health by enhancing the circulation to the eye, providing nutrients needed for eye health, and helping to prevent free radical damage, which is a major contributor to degenerative eye diseases.
Recommended Amount: Feed 1 oz scoop per day. Based on 1,000 lb. horse.
(1 oz scoop provided)
Ingredients: Eyebright, Bilberry, Gingko, Rosehips
Customer Testimonials:
Super Immune Booster AND Eye Support
I want to thank you so much for your wonderful products! I have been using Eye Support since shortly after my Tennessee Walking Horse mare was in an accident and clinically diagnosed to have lost her sight in one of her eyes. Within weeks of taking the herbs, she gradually stopped tilting and turning her head to see. Now, after continued use, her eye will even respond to movement and activity on that side. The product does everything you said it would for my girl!
Thank you again for another wonderful product. My Tennessee Walking Horse gelding was diagnosed with EPM and after going through traditional treatment I felt it just wasn't enough. I really didn't want to put him through another course of treatment. Since I have had wonderful experiences with many of your other products, I called you to see if there was a product to help with EPM. After you recommended I try Super Immune Booster, it all came together. His attitude and willingness have come back! His ability to cope with stress is back. He has returned to the calm, friendly, patient mount that had disappeared when EPM set in. Words could never express my continued thanks!
Lynn McLaughlin
Canaan, NJ
I'm happy to share my experience with your herbal remedies for horses. My five year old mare developed a sudden eye problem.The eye was swollen and with considerable discharge. My vet was concerned that this was a potentially very serious condition and recommended that she be seen at the University Equine Hospital. Following examination and laboratory tests, it was determined that her condition was consistent with a diagnosis of eosinophillic keratitis. A levage system was surgically installed so that medication could be administered.he treatment was aggressive and eventually involved surgery. Unfortunately,every possible side effect to the medications was realized. Steroid treatment resulted in a fungal infection and her hospital stay resulted in a serious staph infection. After a very expensive three weeks in the hospital, I did bring her home. Both eyes were closed and there was considerable pussy discharge on examination. Most of the required 7 medications were designed to treat the side effects of previously given medications. After one week,my vet thought one eye was lost and would eventually have to be removed. The sight in the other eye was marginal but the recommendation was to continue the medication in hopes of saving that eye. I sought a second opinion which basically confirmed the above diagnoses with the added observation that she was likely to lose the sight in her "good eye" and it might be wise to consider putting her down. At this point, against medical advice, I had the lavage system removed and stopped all traditional medical treatment. In looking for an alternative, I found Equine Science and decided to try the combination of IMMUNE BOOSTER, CIPEX and EYE SUPPORT. My mare has now been on this combination for approximately one month. Both eyes are now open and there is no longer any discharge. Approximately 75% of both eyes are brown and look normal.There are some remaining white spots but these do appear to be getting smaller. I have taken her on short trail rides over hilly, uneven terrain without a misstep. He is in the pasture with other horses and clearly can see.It is great to observe her running flat out on flat and hilly surfaces. plan to keep her on this combination throughout the coming year. I am a psychologist and very aware of the role of research in determining care in the medical community. The treatment my mare received at the University Equine Hospital was standard medical practice and certainly supported by the available research. Herbal remedies obviously do not enjoy the same kind of medical support. Even so, what happened and is happening to my mare cannot be discounted. At the very least, one must conclude that alternative medicine and in particular, this combination of herbal remedies has had a positive outcome.
Thanks Don,
Eye Support
Last year, I got the devistating diagnosis that my 2 Appaloosa crosses (full brother & sister) had Insideous Equine Recurrent Uveitis. Both horses are reasonably young, 13 & 14 years old. I sent them to Univ. of Pennsylvania for the cyclosporine implant surgery and it seemed to help, but they still had visible redness in the sclera and occasional flare-ups. We started theb>Eye Supporterbs 2 months ago and they look totally different ! Both horses have very pale, almost white sclera and neither has had a flare-up since starting the treatment ! Thank you so much for the amazing product !!!!
Chrissa K. 2011
New Jersey